Emergency-Hotlines 24/7


Being one of the leading logistic service providers for the chemical sector, safety is one of the most important topics for us. This pertains to the areas environment, employees as well as business partners.


  • Continuous improvement of HSSE performance in avoidance of injuries of personnel and damages to material
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Avoidance of accidents and health hazards
  • Training regarding specific safety aspects at our own Lanfer Akademie
  • Personal protection equipment, exceeding the necessary obligatory outfit, for all employees




  • Avoidance resp. minimisation of environmental contamination/hazard
  • Efficient use of resources to avoid waste
  • Avoidance of product blending/contamination

Business partners

  • Implementing measures to ascertain all-encompassing safety for our customers during transports
  • Careful use of third party property
  • Protection of all data and information given to us
  • Encouraging suppliers to improve processes relating to Responsible Care, e.g. concerning cleaning stations, workshops, etc.


For this reason, since 2009 Lanfer Group participates in the Responsible Care program of ECTA, obligating ourselves to maintain their goals pro-actively and responsibly. All actions are examined regularly during annual audits. For further information, visit:
